
my long lost love

I saw him again today, just for a split second but I knew. I knew it was him. People say that he is dead. But no. It can't be, he can't be. I've seen him several times but I can never seem to catch him. He moves like a shadow. I guess that is the only way to stay invisible. He has not aged one bit since 1979. I am terrified everytime I see him. Not because people say he is dead, he isn't, but because i'm terrified it will be the last time I catch a glimse of him. My heart aches so much. I want to be with him, I can't be with anyone else. The world order has been rocked and we are in different dimensions. I will find you and You will find me too. Hurry.

(Tonight ES dad is throwing this major fucked-up party for a new cash-cow band he signed, sick. We're going to get wasted on free champagne and mourn that i'm leaving NY in a couple of days.)




Blogger Belle Armed said...

Dearest, can you bring some of that NYC cold? I miss it. Put it in a jar, and I'll place it on top of the fireplace. It'll kill the warmth.

3 February 2011 at 00:42  

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